Regenera Activa®

Regenera Activa® is a highly advanced system to #repair #hairloss by stimulating hair growth through regeneration therapy in the targeted areas of the scalp. Our doctors will first harvest scalp samples which are processed to obtain regenerative cells, which will then be injected into target areas to stimulate hair growth. The treatment only takes between 30 – 45 minutes. #ForHairMatters #hairstyles #scalphealth

RegeneraActiva®是一种先进的系统,可通过针对头皮目标区域的再生疗法来刺激头发的生长。我们的医生将会首先获取您的头皮样品,然后将其处理以获得再生细胞,然后将其注入目标区域以刺激头发生长。治疗仅需30 – 45分钟。 #头发问题 #发型 #头皮保健